Kuopion Seutu haastatteli minua Viäntö podcastiinsa Ofisiolla kuukausi sitten, ja lupailin jakaa haastiksen somessa välittömästi ilmestymispäivänä 2.3. Niinpä. GTD in alternative time. Tässä sitä sitten nyt kuitenkin ollaan, pari päivää sinne tai tänne! Jos ja kun sinua kiinnostaa, mitä sanottavaa minulla on metallimusiikista ja vähän sijoittamisestakin, käypäs kuuntelemassa ja katsomassa. Ohjelmointi ja tekoäly-yliherra eivät tällä …
Category: Music
Darkness is my only sound guy
I recorded some backing vocals for a legendary Finnish thrash act’s upcoming album last night. It was the first time I did it alone, and it was fun! The joy may not be clearly visible in the picture here. And, well, I missed Tupi’s dry humor a lot. [start unpaid advertising] Ofisio‘s Viiking Music Podcast/Vlog …
A custom guitar pedal for yours truly?
Looking for: A guitar pedal maker for either a Demilich branded distortion pedal or a single handmade item. I have fallen in love with my combination of Boss HM-2 and DS-2 blended together with Xotic X-Blender. It’s problematic, though, as I have to carry all that metal (as in material) around the world, reassemble the …
Two microphones staring
My view on Demilich’s gig tonight. Hopefully with a bit more of you, dear people. And even the less dear ones. You’re welcome this time, too. Place: Ravintola Ottopoika (62.8911095, 27.6737804)Address: Kauppakatu 40-42, 70110 Kuopio, Finland #Demilich #Beyerdynamic #Ottopoika #Kuopio
It seems I have competition.
Soundcheck wolfie
Let’s soundcheck! We’ll return (to the shadow of death) tonight with Winterwolf! #Winterwolf Place: Ravintola Ottopoika (62.8911095, 27.6737804)Address: Kauppakatu 40-42, 70110 Kuopio, Finland
Season 1, Episode 17
S01E17: Homebound. See you in the next season, unless the network cancels the show! #Demilich #SpectralVoice #European #tour
And now for something completely different.
Almost two years ago, on my birthday, Jussi Lehtisalo (of Circle fame) asked me to do vocals and guitars for the album that Pharaoh Overlord (of Circle fame) had recorded a couple of years earlier. I promised to try my best, and spent the next six months doing nothing about it, as usual. Finally, Jussi …
Heading towards weirdness
Something strange will be boiling this weekend. If it cooks well, you’ll be hearing about it. Otherwise, there will be a grave with growls, whispers and guitar riffs in the forests of Rauma.
One of the proudest moments of my life
Here you see my death metal band, Demilich, in Baltimore. On left of me you see Tom. Tom likes our band, and came to see our gig there. Tom is a musician, too. He’s a founder and the bassist of this little rock group called Aerosmith. The last 12 months have been so, so strange …